Autumn Season
Honoring the shifting seasons allows us to receive the full medicine of change and creates room for prosperity as we detach from what no longer serves us when we are willing to transform alongside the earth.
As the days grow shorter and the nights longer we are reminded to slow down and quiet our minds and bodies in contrast to the long and lively days of summer. During the fall the weather cools, the trees shed their leaves and natures prepares and starts to practice rest. Falling leaves remind us to shed the old to make way for the new. Autumn is about allowing the world to move forward in a continual progression and embracing the way our lives move forward and change. The energy of autumn is about the cycle of life marking the period in which nature celebrates growing old and withering, letting go. This can align our remembering with honoring those who existed before us, our ancestors and lineage.
Autumn is the season of harvest celebrations! Time to reflect on all we have created, accomplished and been blessed with. Be grateful for all that is around us. Time to slow down and take notice of the beauty. We celebrate our triumphs. This sustains us as we start to look inward. We prepare to be reborn in the new year as we start to connect with the magic and mystery of this season. Listen to our intuition and prepare to go deeper within during the stillness of winter.
Questions to ask yourself:
What can fall away?
How have these things served you?
What have you learned?
What are you holding onto which isn’t serving you?
How will you use what you have learned in the next season of life? How can you rest and reset or slow down?
Autumn themes include:
Letting Go
Remembering our ancestors