November is about leaning into gratitude.
We always have blessings in our life to be grateful for.
Definition of gratitude
The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness (depending on the context). In some ways, gratitude encompasses all of these meanings. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives. In the process, people usually recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside themselves. As a result, being grateful also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or a higher power. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
Since ancient times, philosophers and sages from every spiritual tradition have taught that the key to experiencing deeper levels of happiness, fulfilment, and wellbeing is cultivating gratitude. One of the earliest advocates of a daily gratitude practice was Dutch philosopher Rabbi Baruch Spinoza.
Now, through the work of leading researchers like Robert Emmons and Martin Seligman, we have science-backed evidence that gratitude virtue is more than just saying, “thank you.”
Numerous studies are demonstrating how gratitude journaling can increase one’s happiness.
In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.
It is associated with improvements in mood, life satisfaction, and overall well being.
Grateful people tend to be happier and show lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol … but higher levels of the “feel good” hormones, dopamine (pleasure) and serotonin (optimism).
The more you practice feeling grateful, the stronger that muscle gets.
The law of attraction is the idea that like attracts like. Since we know that everything has a frequency, and like attracts like, you know that things of the same frequency are draw together. And yes, that means even emotions and thoughts! So basically what you think is what you create in your own life.
So, it’s safe to say that if you want to attract great things into your life, you need to “vibrate” at a high frequency to do that, right? And that’s where gratitude comes in.
Gratitude vibrates at a high frequency. Whenever you feel gratitude, you’re releasing one of the most positive, most high frequencies there are. So when you’re in a state of gratitude, you can bet that you are attracting the things you want into your life.
Gratitude helps you manifest miracles. Gratitude is a powerful Law of Attraction exercise. It raises your vibration and brings you into harmony with the energy of the Universe. Gratitude can help you transform all areas of your life.
When we are in a gratitude we never run out of noticing the things we are blessed by in our lives.
Get your gratitude practice started with the following questions:
What are you grateful for?
Why are you grateful for it?
How has it impacted your life?
How can you multiply this for yourself or others?