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Honoring the Four Directions

Calling in the Four Directions

It helps reconnect us with our ancestors as it is a tradition found throughout the world in all cultural lineages, offering the sense that we are participating in life rather than life happening to us. It brings us back into connection with Mother Earth, grounding us is a very real way, awakening our consciousness to our intimate connection with this miracle we live on.

Face each direction while saying blessing

EAST/AIR Hear me Guardians of the East, the element of Air. We call to you tonight with open heart and clear voice to offer thanks... For the wind that brings inspiration and plays with our thoughts... For the ability of communication that offers us with the power of understanding... For the new dawn that greets us and offers a place to begin anew. For the moments of poetry, song, and story that blossom within. We thank you for the breath that gives us life.

SOUTH/FIRE Guardians of the South, the Element of Fire… We offer our thanks for bringing us the long days of summer so that we may enjoy evening sunsets over the river… For inspiring us to explore new expressions of our creativity while still embracing the arts we love… For lighting the passions within, so that we may connect more deeply with the world around us… For delivering us the strength and courage we need to open ourselves to all that life brings… We thank you for the spark that burns within us all.

WEST/WATER Guardians of West – Element of Water We call you today to thank you for the gifts you give to our lives Because water is always surrounding us From our mother's womb to the waves of the ocean From a sprinkle of rain to an intense waterfall The blood in our veins and the tears in our eyes You give us emotions, love, dreams, imagination You cleanse us and heal us Thank you for being here with us today and always We honor and we thank thee

NORTH/EARTH Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth, We thank you for your gifts and blessings in our lives, The food that nourishes us, The homes we live in. We give thanks for our bodies and their abilities to sustain us, To feel pleasure, And to dance upon the Sacred Ground. We honor and thank thee, Powers of Earth!

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May 08, 2023

Is this from the Friday night circle?

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