Deep within each of us lives our core, our soul, our wild woman. It’s our real, pure self.
Wild woman archetype is all about embracing our inner feminine energy and zeal for life. Wild women let their emotions flow like a river, reject the rules, and are fiercely protective.
More than anything else a wild woman trusts herself wholly. She listens to what her gut tells her when something is wrong for her or when it is right to go for it.
The wild woman knows like is not linear and embraces the cycles of life. So if the wild woman thinks she has learned a life lesson already, she is not surprised when that lesson comes around again to truly be sure she can display her knowledge of this lesson. Just like the moon, the seasons, the years, and the decades, life is a cycle full of different seasons. The wild women helps other women embrace the cycles of their own lives too.
Wild women love their body! Wild women are comfortable in their own skin and are grateful for all the amazing things her body can do and does every day for her.
The wild woman is a force and lives her life boldly. She is not meek or mild. The kind of woman who doesn’t need to shout or make drama bc she knows the exact balance to pick her battles. She will stand up for herself or someone else fiercely if necessary.
Women who are in touch with their wild sid-e are creative. All types of creativity are held sacred by the wild women. Wild women recognize creativity is essential to our existence as human beings.
The wild woman has a natural curiosity that she pursues through conversation, education and artistic expression. Forever women’s curiosity was embraced as a powerful and wise raid, that helped lead communities to safety, security and discovery.
Wild women have a true sense of self. They know who they are and embrace it. These women inherently know they belong.
She is in touch with her emotions and creates space to grieve and rage. She knows when to take a step back and feed her soul.
The wild woman is the part of each of us that sits between the Good girl and the Bad girl. She does not wish to conform to preserve the peace, nor does she wish to destroy.
Wild women slow it down and sync w the rhythm of life and spirit.
Can you connect with your Wild Woman?