Embracing the Darkness and Welcoming the Light
Winter Solstice is the shorted day and the longest night of the year. After the winter solstice the days get longer, the nights get shorter until the longest day and the years shortest night occurs on the summer solstice.
As we celebrate the light we must also take time to go inwards toward our inner self to acknowledge our shadow self and the wisdom that it shares with us to bring the light of awareness into the darkness.
The longest night of the year bears within itself the promise of the return of the light, the “rebirth” of the Sun. Thus, the Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the darkness of the womb from which creation arises. We honor the cycles of life, death and rebirth, the dark night of the soul and the rebirth of new hope and vision. When we move deeper into the darkness instead of avoiding it, we find the gifts the darkness holds. To some, that may mean moving into the shadow aspect of self. What needs to be released, to be brought into the light of our awareness? Even in our darkest moments we can find the seeds of growth and healing within.
The darkness of the long winter nights that culminate in the Winter Solstice is also a time to honor and celebrate the world of the unseen, of dreams and of intuition. When we cannot see with our physical eyes, we learn to trust the inner vision, the power of insight and inner knowingness. The journey into the darkness prepares the way for celebration: in gratitude we rejoice in the return of the light, the promise of the Sun/Son lighting our path, the promise of new beginnings.
North Symbolism & Meaning
North represents culmination and fulfillment. In human symbolism it represents mature wisdom, insight and keen mindedness. This is the space in which your past lives can begin releasing the lessons into your consciousness.
The season on the Wheel of the Year is now winter, and the most powerful. North represents a moment of serious contemplation where the lessons we’ve learned truly integrate. We become shining lights, beaming with spirituality and well-being. North also represents the in-between times and our afterlife in the Astral realm. Where you have been busy nonstop through the other three directions here is the place to stop, be quiet and listen to the Divine’s voice.
North as the season of Winter speaks of frugality. We must use our resources wisely to remain healthy. Where West taught us about clear vison, North challenges us to live our truth inspired by that vision. Be honest with yourself; know your limits. Do your best and you will naturally find yourself surrounded by other seekers doing likewise. In this tribe of luminous souls resides the seat of power and magic.