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Spiraling on the Journey

The spiral represents evolution and growth of the spirit. It is a symbol of change and development. 

Symbol of change, as all things in this world must change over time. Nothing can live and be stagnant. Everyday we have a new chance, a new choice, to change ourselves and bring more light into the world. 

The word ‘spiral’ springs from ancient roots inextricably bound up with ideas of creation, life-giving and aspiration.

Latin spirare, meaning ‘to breathe,’ as in expire and inspire.


The spiral motif is a link to nature, representing the ever changing seasons. It represents the cycle of life; birth, growth, death, and re-incarnation. 


Spirals have a sacred quality and have been used in religious and sacred architecture since the beginning of humans in most places in the world.

The Spiral is nature’s most favoured pattern of growth and most efficacious deployer of its energy — life-inducing, life-protecting and life-supporting.


There are countless examples of the spiral curve in the animal kingdom: the tusks of elephants and warthogs, the teeth of beavers and rodents, claws of cats, beaks of birds, horns of sheep, and the flight of birds. It is also found in the volutes of waves, the swirls of weather systems, and the shoots of plants, as well as in many aspects of human anatomy: the fibres in the ventricles of the heart run in spiral lines so that the muscular constriction by which the blood is forced onward, and the circulation kept up, is like the twist of a screw; in the ‘labyrinth’ of the inner ear, and coiled in the shape of a snail shell, DNA, pine cones, draining water, weather-think hurricaines, cabbage, growing hair, fingerprints…..

The spiral is the perfect example of ‘as above, so below, as within, so without’, weaving its magic from vanishingly small to unimaginably huge levels of existence. To me, the spiral is the ‘way’ of the universe, the link between microcosm and macrocosm, between science and spirituality.


Many suggest the spirals symbolize rebirth or as a symbol of a mother goddess and are interpreted as symbolic wombs.

In terms of modern spirituality, the spiral is said to represent the path leading from outer consciousness to the inner soul. It marks the evolution of mankind from the physical to the spiritual realms.


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