What an absolutely gorgeous Circle we had last night! I was so impressed with the vulnerability and strength of you beautiful women 💚
Here is the playlist from last night for your listening pleasure 💙
Please join our Sister Circle Gathering Group (you should have received an invite in your email, if not please let me know) for updates.
Upcoming 2024 Events
More to come, but this is what I have so far...
Wise Woman Transformative Experience-Online Starts 1.2.24
Bend Boss Babes Women in Business Circle 1.6.24
Sister Circle Gathering 1.8.24
Immerse in Good and Gratitude Retreat in Sunriver 2.2.24-2.4.24
Sister Circle Gathering 2.12.24
Awakening Wisdom: Get our of your Head and into your Body 2.18.24